Friday, February 18, 2011

At the end of the term and first academic year

It feels so good to be able to take a deep breath and just sit back and enjoy family and friends because during class I like ignore them. It felt good last night just to sit with my husband and eat dinner and then just sit there and relax and not have to jump up and sit at the computer for hours doing school work. The other night I started my final project at 11 p.m and did not go to bed til 3:45 a.m. I hope I do not have nights like that again.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

So glad this term is almost over

It is such a good feeling to be at the end of another term plus be at the end of the first academic year. That makes me one less step closer to my graduation. I hope that everyone of my followers feel the same way as I do. Good luck on the remainder of your classes towards your degrees.

Friday, February 4, 2011

First drafts are complicated

I do not know how the rest of the class is dealing with these drafts but I know it is very difficult for me. I have not done any kind of writing for over 30 yrs and then it was as intense as these papers we have to do. I have tried my best on this terms paper and am running into several blank walls. It is starting to hurt because I know what has to be done and try to do that and somehow it is not right. If anyone can send me suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

First draft done FINALLY!

Well it took me a really long time to compile my research so I could write the first draft. It took me a while to get it wrote but I finished it last night and got it posted today. Now I just hope I did it right and get a good grade for all my hard work.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Finally handling everything at once

I guess I just let my mind wander and think of all the things I have to do in a days time. Sometimes it seems that I will never get anything done. Especially when it comes to schoolwork, I think to myself wow all this work has to be done and when will I find the time to do it all. Then once I sit down and start working on the units it seems that it goes very quickly and I have time to just relax and do other things that I thought I would never get to.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dealing with other issues besides school

Well it is true that life takes us on all kinds of twists and turns. I never thought that I would have to go through so many hoops just to get through one full day. I was always told that God would never hand us more than we could handle at one time, but sometimes it seems like I get more then I can handle. I just get a stiff upper lip and take care of what needs to be done and then go to bed and get up and start all over again the next day.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Final paper topics

It was a very tough decision on what to do my paper on. I have several experiences that have happened in my life that would be a very good story to tell. I took all the choices I had and narrowed it down to two. One was bloodborne pathogens in the workplace, which I chose because one of my many jobs was working in a lab in Columbus, Ohio around several different types of specimens. I found that experience very challenging and rewarding. The other topic was regarding pancreatic cancer, which I have decided to do my paper on because before my mom passed away in 2000 she was diagnosed with this disease and if she had not passed away she would have had more suffering than she had already encountered. I hope I can get enough information to make it very good reading material and make the public aware of all the challenges with this deadly disease.